Ricardo Zea
Ricardo Zea
Thanks for these awesome mixins! I noticed that the Trapezoid doesn't work if you have the global rule for `box-sizing: border-box;` So, for good measure in case someone has it...
Hello, PagePiling.js isn't working even using the example code from the repo. Check this demo out: http://codepen.io/ricardozea/pen/a38ac610b5bf994216d3804ee8e432d3 All sections are visible in the beginning. Am I doing something wrong? Or...
Hello, In Firefox I'm pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C to inspect an element but the StickyNotes appear instead. Is there a way to change the keyboard shortcuts? I haven't seen how, if there's...
This is one of those bugs with huge impact, not sure why no one has reported it yet. Basically, if I have this very simple structure in a .scss file,...
Here's another bug with huge impact that hasn't been reported yet. I write my CSS in 'compact'/single-line mode, like this: ``` div { columns:3; column-gap:0; } ``` and if run...
Anyone open to considering building a Dark mode Material Design color palette generator?