Ricardo Quesada
Ricardo Quesada
Perhaps there is a way to ping the "db" (how strong the signal is)... and report that feature. A "ping" or "keep alive" also, but I don't know whether Bluetooth...
yes, I should provide a way (assuming it is possible) that the controller might be out-of-range soon... I need to investigate it a bit more
@JoeSc @RC0D3 I recommend using something like this: in your main loop, you should receive a "gampad event" almost everyframe. if you don't receive an event in 250ms, then either:...
@JochenKr See this comment. It explains how to use it: https://github.com/ricardoquesada/bluepad32/issues/42#issuecomment-1933270864
I didn't understand the delay that you need to add. Take a look at the updated Sketch to learn how to use correctly: https://github.com/ricardoquesada/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/blob/release/v4.4/bluepad32_files/libraries/Bluepad32_ESP32/examples/Controller/Controller.ino search for `hasData` and `update` in...
mmm.... Interesting
Any chance that you can symbolize the stacktrace (e.g: convert the addresses to names) ? I've just tried to reproduce it on a Sparkfun ESP32 Thing + Controller.ino and it...
yep. not sure what could be causing it... unfortunately I cannot reproduce it. The backtrace could be useful if you somewhat can get the symbols of it. I cannot do...
try with this site: https://maximeborges.github.io/esp-stacktrace-decoder/
mmm... very interesting. I wonder if BLE is causing that.