Ricardo Gobbo de Souza

Results 139 comments of Ricardo Gobbo de Souza

The `@nuxtjs/stylelint-module` really crashed when there is no configuration file eg `stylelint.config.js`. This has been fixed on `v3.1.1`

@pi0 I think this can be closed

@pi0 Do you think we should throw a warning in production mode if the host is `localhost` and `baseURL` is not provided or `proxy` is not configured?

Well remembered, we can't do everything for the user :grimacing:

This is not a bug but a misuse of users. Use `$axios.setToken` or `$axios.setHeader` in `onRequest` is not good practice and can cause a lot of problems, because it is...

Hi @lennoximus When creating a new instance of `axios` following the documentation https://axios.nuxtjs.org/extend/#new-axios-instance You are able to use all the helpers described https://axios.nuxtjs.org/helpers

Hi @reginaldojunior It is not a feature that I would like to implement because it depends on the value of each currency and for that would require an external api...

Hi @reginaldojunior I'm thinking of something, because now we have [currency conversion](http://moneyphp.org/en/stable/features/currency-conversion.html)

Hi @Almo98 Soon I will release the new version of [google-fonts-helper](https://github.com/datalogix/google-fonts-helper) will fix this problem