Ricardo Amendoeira

Results 16 comments of Ricardo Amendoeira

I'm also getting this error. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8846579/111402966-10e3ab00-86c4-11eb-8d45-757554036bcf.png) - Ubuntu `20.10` - Poetry `1.1.5`, installed poetry with `curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python -` as recommended in the official docs - `pyenv global`...

It just changed from "Refund in 144+ blocks" to "Closed", I didn't notice if it happened at 3 or 4 confirmations. The "Opened" line on the channel details is obviously...

I've used it after running `bundle exec rspec --profile 10` (tells you the 10 slowest tests in your test suite) to find out why the slowest tests were so slow....

@Raboebie After I connect the wheel to the Windows VM the device id in `lsusb` doesn't change and it doesn't do the usual calibration routine (rotating to both sides) when...

But now that I think about it the wheel itself doesn't identify the pedals, right? It has the `mode` button on the left and the instructions explain how to set...

Ok, I'll try to get a more complete capture and figure out how to diff them, thank you :) edit: Made a new capture with the filter `usb.addr matches "1\.19\..*"`,...

@ianaya89 The recording looks ok, it does capture the whole date, but when I execute the resulting script only the `yyyy` section is modified, at least on the test form...

I wonder if this is related: https://github.com/hperrin/svelte-material-ui/blob/2efc3d2c8e39660a7fff5a1d5df82083a5d175c3/packages/slider/Slider.svelte#L287-L296 Shouldn't line 295 be ` instance.setValueEnd(end); `? Although updating `min` also behaves weirdly: https://svelte.dev/repl/f58e8671c68a43e6ad92d743dd3ee0d7?version=3.38.2

In the meantime I found a workaround with Svelte [key blocks](https://svelte.dev/docs#key), which allow you to destroy and rebuild their contents when the value of an expression changes. The workaround looks...

Wow, this is _extremely_ unintuitive, I was going crazy triple-reading the docs and not understanding what I needed to change. Thank you for clearing it up ❤️