Emir Ribić

Results 12 issues of Emir Ribić

Glice currently parses dependencies from `go.mod` without taking version number into account. As licenses may change over time, it may produce invalid results. Client library for GitHub doesn't provide option...

TravisCI build is not passing, due to test expecting a license from GitHub's API response. Due to rate limiting, it doesn't return anything and therefore test fails. ToDo: Mock response...

Currently you can have only one chat per websocket connection. This is limited in `internal/agent/agent.go` where Agent struct holds single Chat. On client, this currently works by connecting to new...

The static client for gossip (pre-fork version) is available [here](https://github.com/HarunD/gossip-js). The endpoints are different now (most changed from `POST` to `GET` and from JSON body to URL/Query params). Other than...

Sometimes I don't need to validate anything in request. Would you consider a PR where render.Bind accepts `r *http.Request, v interface{}`, and if `v` implements Bind() method only then execute...

Given that I have multiple binaries in /cmd (let's call them service1, service2), what's the proper way to select which service I want to run? Ideally I want to achieve...

Add support for handling errors using errors.Unwrap() in SetException. Add ParentID, ExceptionID and Source to Exception. Related issue: #693 [RFC](https://github.com/getsentry/rfcs/blob/main/text/0079-exception-groups.md)

Currently most of the date/time calculations are done by converting to time.Time and reverting afterwards to `dt` format. Ideally this step should be removed and the logic should be re-implemented...

I was debugging why fasthttp and fiber integration invoke `SetRequest` and then `SetRequestBody` immediately after, even though `SetRequest` sets the requestBody (same as SetRequestBody). The issue is that for these...

Type: Improvement
Status: Backlog