Colin Cogle

Results 10 comments of Colin Cogle

1. Yes, I verified that this module added an tag in the Default Web Site's web.config. 2. Yes, I'm connecting over HTTPS.

@jwdavidson Where did you see that? I'm all for ECDSA certificates, but I'm using the [SSL Labs development version]( and I can still get an A+ rating with only an...

The HTML5 spec says \ and \ must be first and second, respectively. Other than that, it's however you want it.

> @rhymeswithmogul Thanks. I actually cannot find this rule in the HTML5 spec: Well, I must have mis-remembered! The only thing I could find out is that [the ``...

I'm having an almost-identical issue on Ubuntu 21.10 and Howdy 2.6.1. I can run all of the `howdy` commands, but it fails to work as a PAM module. I did...

> I am not sure whether I understand the issue, but there has been support for time-zones ever since the original GoodRelations version of the elements, see So you...

> Btw. Wouldn't it be good to have the ability to sign twice (RSA and Ed25519) for older systems which probably won't handle Ed25519 signed mails? Correct. Because you only...

@Ryenum Try using "h3" in your Alt-Svc header instead of "h3-23". HTTP/3 has been standardized. That being said, NGINX 1.25.0 and newer contain HTTP/3 and QUIC support natively, so this...

Sure, I'll give that a try. Give me a few days and I'll see what I can do.

All right, I've done it in the Pi-Star style. The user can customize the colors if they don't like my defaults. Or, if they love light mode, the whole thing...