
Results 13 issues of rhymes

I gave an implementation of a color keyvaluerenderer a shot: ```python import structlog try: import colorama except ImportError: colorama = None class ColorKeyValueRenderer(structlog.processors.KeyValueRenderer): def __init__(self, colors=True, force_colors=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(self, **kwargs)...

Hello, I've noticed that teaspoon stopped working with Puma 3.7.0 > ➜ SERVER_TIMEOUT=60 bundle exec teaspoon Starting the Teaspoon server... [22313] Puma starting in cluster mode... [22313] * Version 3.7.0...


There are cases when computing ranking between search results and the default order by `ORDER BY rank DESC, id ASC` is not required. Although the default ordering can be disabled...

I understand that it is possible to use easy_thumbnails 'thumbnail' tag instead of 'cropped_thumbnail' like showed here https://django-image-cropping.readthedocs.org/en/latest/#frontend but it would be nice if cropped_thumbnail accepted a registered easy_thumbnails alias...

Feature Request

I was running a website through the [Firefox Accessibily inspector](https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/10/auditing-for-accessibility-problems-with-firefox-developer-tools/) and I get the following error on the `` element of the SVG generated through this gem: ![Screenshot 2019-10-30 at...

help wanted

Hi, Karma seems to work fine running the tests but I can't get any coverage output. I am using a Rails app with yarn installed modules, sprockets (asset pipeline) and...

[Redis 6.2](https://redis.io/download) has officially been released, its [release notes](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/redis/redis/6.2/00-RELEASENOTES) contain quite a few new commands, improvements and some changes in behavior. I'm new to this library but I'm willing to...

I don't know why but it seems to me that TrailDBConstructor crashes if the first fieldname is `username`: > Python 2.7.13 (default, May 2 2017, 15:58:16) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple...

Hello, thank you for writing a library to simplify the syntactic sugar on using Arel nodes to address JSON fields. There's a problem with your approach though: they don't support...

Apparently there's something weird with the mime_type method for an image: ``` binary_image = File.open('test/fixtures/files/image.png').read image_uid = Dragonfly.app.store(binary_image) image = Dragonfly.app.fetch(image_uid) pry(main)> image.format DRAGONFLY: shell command: 'identify' '-ping' '-format' '%m...