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Easily communicate between iOS/OSX devices using BLE
I have installed the latest update of the code but I am facing a serious problem when I try to connect on iOS 11.0+ devices. Every time I receive a...
The code in BKPeer.swift, `sendData` is as follows after a task is added to the sendDataTasks array ``` if sendDataTasks.count == 1 { processSendDataTasks() } ``` This processes the tasks...
I just came across this typo (or what seems to be a typo). Just FYI. You're passing the `oldCause` as the `newCause` and vise versa.
Hi, I tested BluetoothKit background scanning and I could not make it work. The issue I have encountered is that `scanContinuouslyWithChangeHandler` actually scans for 3 seconds, pauses for `inBetweenDelay` of...
I am using the BLE CC2541 module to interact with my arduino device. For testing, I connected the TxD pin and RxD pin directly for that I can get the...
I try out BluetoothKit. I encounter that I always get InternalError(BKError) in callback after trying to scan Peripheral. I have no idea where it goes wrong? Can anyone help? Below...
Would be great if we could access the characteristics and get change notifications via the BKRemotePeerDelegate. Right now it looks like the configuration is locked down. This would help greatly...
I'm getting a CoreBluetooth warning: `[CoreBluetooth] WARNING: The delegate for does not implement -[peripheral:didModifyServices:]` Looks like it just needs an implementation in the `BKCBPeripheralDelegateProxy `
Use "centralManager.scanForPeripheralsWithServices(nil, options: nil)", can discovery all device, but use "centralManager.scanForPeripheralsWithServices(configuration.serviceUUIDs, options: nil)", nothing. This should be the bug of the official.
I'd like to use this framework for my app, but I faced following issue on IOS10 with Swift3.0. > **Error from scanning: The operation couldn't be completed. (BluetoothKit.BKError error 3.)**...