BluetoothKit copied to clipboard
Couldn't work properly on iOS 10.
I'd like to use this framework for my app, but I faced following issue on IOS10 with Swift3.0.
Error from scanning: The operation couldn't be completed. (BluetoothKit.BKError error 3.)
Also I checked this on iOS 9(XCode 7.3, iPhone 5s, Gimbal Beacon Series 21) , but occurred the same issue. (I tried with this framework, but the same result.)
Does anyone know how to avoid this? Thank you.
Please show your code?
- CentralViewController.swift in the BKExample
func scan() {
central.scanContinuouslyWithChangeHandler({ changes, discoveries in
let indexPathsToRemove = changes.filter({ $0 == .remove(discovery: nil) }).map({ NSIndexPath(row: self.discoveries.index(of: $0.discovery)!, section: 0) })
self.discoveries = discoveries
let indexPathsToInsert = changes.filter({ $0 == .insert(discovery: nil) }).map({ NSIndexPath(row: self.discoveries.index(of: $0.discovery)!, section: 0) })
if !indexPathsToRemove.isEmpty {
self.discoveriesTableView.deleteRows(at: indexPathsToRemove as [IndexPath], with: UITableViewRowAnimation.automatic)
if !indexPathsToInsert.isEmpty {
self.discoveriesTableView.insertRows(at: indexPathsToInsert as [IndexPath], with: UITableViewRowAnimation.automatic)
for insertedDiscovery in changes.filter({ $0 == .insert(discovery: nil) }) {
Logger.log("Discovery: \(insertedDiscovery)")
}, stateHandler: { newState in
if newState == .scanning {
} else if newState == .stopped {
}, errorHandler: { error in
Logger.log("Error from scanning: \(error.localizedDescription)")
- BKCentral.swift in the BluetoothKit
public func scanContinuouslyWithChangeHandler(_ changeHandler: @escaping ContinuousScanChangeHandler, stateHandler: ContinuousScanStateHandler?, duration: TimeInterval = 3, inBetweenDelay: TimeInterval = 3, errorHandler: ContinuousScanErrorHandler?) {
do {
try stateMachine.handleEvent(.scan)
continuousScanner.scanContinuouslyWithChangeHandler(changeHandler, stateHandler: { newState in
if newState == .stopped && self.availability == .available {
_ = try? self.stateMachine.handleEvent(.setAvailable)
}, duration: duration, inBetweenDelay: inBetweenDelay, errorHandler: { error in
errorHandler?(.internalError(underlyingError: error))
} catch let error {
errorHandler?(.internalError(underlyingError: error))
I tested with both and, on iOS 9 and 10, but the same error occurs.
Thank you.
I have just met the same error, and when I dig into the code and find out that the state is 'scanning' in this function:
private func handleScanEvent(_ event: Event) throws {
switch state {
case .available:
state = .scanning
throw BKError.transitioning(currentState: state, validStates: [ .available ])
in BluetoothKit > Source > BKCentralStateMachine.swift > line99.
Could anyone give some advice?
Isn't it just calling scan twice? I think it is just the example app that does that, it is no problem.
@BottleMan ?
@rhummelmose sorry for replying late, I just comment the 'scan' method in viewDidAppear and it goes alright.
internal override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
Then it won't always start scanning when you navigate back and forth. That is why it is there :)