Many of our modules call `IsValid` on coin types received from a msg or a genesis file. This will panic if a coin contains a nil `sdk.Int` value, which can...
json (un)marshalling accounts seems to have slightly subtle behaviour that can trip up chain launches or exports. A test covering marshalling and unmarshalling various account types would help catch issues....
In `/simulation/params.go` params are generated, then formatted in strings. ie: The string formatting is json marshalling the values. We should use the actual json marshaller. ie: ```go return string(types.ModuleCdc.MustMarshalJSON(GenBidDuration(r)))...
## Description This allows assets connected in the internal bridge to support different decimal precision on each side. eg 8 decimal places on the sdk side and 18 on the...
In `launch.config.js` (for tier 1 and 2) the mini accounts plugin is configured to listen on port 7768. However incoming connections are not allowed on this port. It looks like...