Hi @Memnarch, i don't work here, but this happens because the browser cache, to fix that, add a random (any) search query string to the cdn link, E.x: https://gitcdn.link/cdn/rhpo/life.js/main/src/life.min.js =>...
Hey @TheCompAce, You can specify a constant voice for generation using the ``history_prompt`` parameter in the ``generate_audio`` function... The pattern is ``{lang_code}_speaker_{0-9}`` Example: ``audio_array = generate_audio(text_prompt, history_prompt="en_speaker_1")`` It has been...
Any fix? Got the same problem!
> usetube @dimaslanjaka Poorly Documented
Did you find a fix to this problem? I can't find a corresponding reference for the project, the only answer I'm getting all the time is to somehow switch my...
So there is no way to send snaps again ?
@MiMillieuh How do we "get our own install" ?