Rafal H

Results 5 issues of Rafal H

Backup operator ignoring maxbackups setting and creating new blobs without deleting the old one. blob format: etcd.backup_v3_2019-12-15-15:57:59 This is running on AKS K8s version 1.14.8, storage account type: BlobStorage etcdbackup...

Hi, When I try to run: select pglogical.alter_subscription_disable(name true) followed by: select pglogical.drop_subscription(name; while pglogical.show_subscription_status(); returns "initializing" status then drop command just stuck Is there any other way to gracefully...

Hi, I'm trying to find the best way to deal with sequence replication: Currently, I'm adding all sequences this way when we setup replication: SELECT pglogical.replication_set_add_all_sequences(set_name := ssome_name, schema_names :=...

You write time_field_name and than field_name_time Think rules should look like this ``` 'honey_field_name' => 'honeypot', 'time_field_name' => 'required|honeytime:5' ``` and than form like this: {{ Form::honeypot('honey_field_name', 'time_field_name') }}

Hello, I'm trying to use acr-cli docker container to run unattended purge command against azure container registry behind the private endpoint (since it doesn't support acr tasks) So I have...