Hi, Zach! This is Elliott at the UW. I am new to this TEI/XML stuff, too, but one way that people convert their XML is with the software Oxygen. In...
Yay! Amazing news. I hope this works out, and I'll share this information with the professor who teaches this stuff. He might have some input along with elation.
I had no idea what I was doing, but in the crudest way, a couple weeks ago, I tried converting some XML in Oxygen into an epub. Then I uploaded...
I shared this information with the professor I mentioned, and this is what he said: "This is great. Thanks. Yes, it’s the XSLT stylesheet which will transform the XML into...
He also followed up with this: "Just to clarify, because I think what I wrote here is confusing: you’d want a 6th page here:, with TEI as a 6th...
Hi, all. I wasn't able to attach TEI/XML files to this note, so I emailed them to you, Zach, and Cc'ed the professor I've been working with. He also wrote...
Thank you so much, Zach, for these updates. I think any changes to the search feature and social sharing feature will be excellent. People are really enjoying the Manifold book!...