Hunt Norment
Hunt Norment
Sorry for the delayed reply. I am sending the following: ``` {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"96WVpfxuZyqHvWlkNUuznYoyS/zal1xy2nrTM6SEi4yqJILK6UWKKCuTYXGWmmCH4UYUAUPwzB4ZUlh3WoqmSg==", "post"=>{"author"=>"test author", "title"=>"test title", "body"=>"test rich text editor"}, "_wysihtml5_mode"=>"1", "commit"=>"Create Post"} ``` I get this error: ```...
Anyone have another solution for this? Another HTML editor for AA? This is a blocker for me.
This workaround works. ``` module ActiveAdmin class ResourceDSL < DSL def permit_params(*args, &block) resource_sym = config.resource_name.singular.to_sym controller do define_method :permitted_params do params.permit :_method, :_wysihtml5_mode, :authenticity_token, :commit, :id, :utf8, resource_sym =>...
i used this forked repo: ``` gem 'active_admin_editor', github: 'boontdustie/active_admin_editor' ```
I get the same. This gem seems to only work on RESTful actions. Did you come up with a solution?
I will try and get back to you. Thanks for the reply.