
Results 12 comments of rhinof

Need to reevaluate how to overcome potential race conditions. currently on hold

@Prajna you can configure a kafka producer to wait for an ack from the elected leader or wait for akcs from all brokers in a replica (or none for non-resilient...

@vladshub I agree, it will force us to decouple our message handling code from rabbitmq specifics that will promote for a better design and in addition provide kafka as a...

@vladshub I think the challenge and where we need to think about the correct abstractions is how we bridge the conceptual gap between rabbit and kafka in respect to what...

> @rhinof also I was thinking about a transport registry which should look like the `database/sql` implementation in go > > ```go > import "github.com/wework/grabbit/gbus" > import _ "github.com/vladshub/grabbit-kafka" >...

@vladshub ok, makes sense starting with something rough and refining along the way. I created the experimental-kafka branch (branched off of master) so we could work on

quick wins: - remove leftover methods from builder interface and implementation will increase coverage #34 - add simple unit tests to policies (ttl, durability) - Add unit test for bus...

We can simplify the developer experience in building a bus if we make the bus use confirms by default and removing the need to call WithConfirms and in addition replace...

emperror.dev/errors emperror.dev/handler/logrus github.com/Rican7/retry github.com/dangkaka/go-kafka-avro github.com/golang/protobuf github.com/linkedin/goavro github.com/lopezator/migrator github.com/opentracing-contrib/go-amqp github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go github.com/prometheus/client_golang github.com/prometheus/client_model github.com/rs/xid v1.2.1 github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.4.2 github.com/streadway/amqp

@danielwitz WDYT should be the expected behavior in this case?