@cloudonshore I tried to use the base64 parameter but it return an error that value did not match as base64. Did you try it?
+1, any updates regarding on this issue?
it is working great on IOS but on android has an issue console.log('Popover displayed!')}> Block User {this.popupDialog.show()}}> Report User
here is the link sir https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D36e22cGYYIVpxtGPLYYvzjJ65ntHJZEvyXOcpAqaak/edit?usp=sharing I can't paste the code here...
okay sir . advance thank you
Thanks a lot, the bouncing effect is only shown on emulator but not in real device.
can i get your email sir? I'll share the link of recorded video.
just check your email sir. Thanks