Rasmus Handberg
Rasmus Handberg
Bottleneck already includes a fast sum-of-squares function (`ss`), but no NaN-aware counterpart exists. Wouldn't it make sense to add a `nanss` function?
If running the script in Chrome or Firefox on Android, the script will throw the "graceful" Android-error when using HTTP POST requests. Should this error not only be for the...
Try enabling testing with the new Python 3.11, to see which dependencies will work or not.
This should avoid loading the package to change global plotting parameters, plus enable some more flexibility in the styling of the generated plots.
- [ ] Test the PSF photometry accuracy in different crowdings. - [ ] Create metrics of when PSF photometry is better than aperture photometry.
Flagging of known solar-system objects (e.g. asteroids) passing through the pixels used for photometry. Will create new flags both on pixel-level and in photometry quality.
We are currently not doing a proper propergation of uncertainites in the background estimation and subtraction step in "prepare".
There is a problem with plotting images containing NaNs with `plots.plot_image`. Either the NaNs are not plotted with the correct color (default black) or pixels outside the (vmin, vmax) range...
New Kepler Q9 training set, with 90 day duration to be used for Kepler/K2 classification.
Investigate if it is needed to split todo-files so MOAT files become "external" to todo-files, to avoid very large SQLite files? Originally part of PR #66.