
Results 10 issues of rhalbersma

I would like to propose adding an `identity_hash` that stores its input bytes as result. ~~~ class identity_hash { std::size_t m_state; public: static constexpr xstd::endian endian = xstd::endian::native; using result_type...

I've added a `requires_grad` flag to the `Value` class that defaults to `False`, mimicking PyTorch's behavior. The topological sort of the computational graph can then stop expanding nodes that don't...

When parsing HTML tables, it is frequently the case that non-unique column names appear, e.g. when column names are multi-row and the first row spans multiple columns. It would be...

table 🏓

As of the new 1.66 release, it appears that `--layout=versioned` generates the address-model into the library names. This was previously [discussed](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/boost-developers-archive/dimov$20x64%7Csort:date/boost-developers-archive/G4Bmy_FuBEM/lCKoAf-4BgAJ) on the developers mailinglist. On Linux, the dynamic link...


In light of the C++23 range formatting, shouldn't the set algorithm views finished in #280 have a nested typedef `key_type` so that they are printed using braces `{}` instead of...

We currently just loop over the range and add values element-wise We should find the first and last blocks and fill the intermediate range block-wise.


Write a `find_if_first_of` function that takes a range of elements and a tuple of predicates and returns an iterator and an `optional` for the element and first predicate that is...


`xstd::bit_set` is a bona fide `std::bidirectional_range`. We also provide a `format_as` overload for `xstd::bit_set::proxy_reference`. This makes it currently printable with `fmt::print`. If and when [P3070R0](https://github.com/cplusplus/papers/issues/1731) gets adopted, we will also...


The current implementation for the `is_proper_subset_of` can be slightly improved by breaking out of the loop after `proper` has been set to `true`. From that point forward, the remaining words...

I'm not sure if this should be an issue or a feature request, but here it goes anyway. For mapping in the Netherlands, EPSG:28992 is used by default by Dutch...