Radosław Gryta

Results 13 comments of Radosław Gryta

Pytube does not support the list of YT Shorts videos from search results at the moment. I've created a pull request some time ago with my fix, but no response...

I've also encountered this problem. After some digging I found that reelShelfRenderer is responsible for displaying YouTube Shorts. Since they're quite new to YT it seems like support for Shorts...

This issue isn't easily solvable as wikiextractor relies on multiprocessing module and forking mechanism in order to create new processes instead of spawn that's available by Windows. Your best option...

Library is working fine. Using it with Python 3.11

Also noticed this issue. I've made a few PS utility functions. Among them there's one that verifies HyperV settings and another one that can install new PowerShell versions. While testing...

> I have the same issue on latest Windows 10 (22H2), installed f powershell from Windows Store. Is there any workaround recently? > > ``` > ➜ ~ Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online...

> Until it is fixed, is it possible to suppress this output? Easiest way would be to install pytube with my fix I guess (comment above). Or you can take...

Weird, I'll look into it later. It's true that you can simply skip that render though - reel shelf renderer is just that horizontal bar with YouTube shorts that appears...

Looked into it. Seems like YT stopped providing channel's name and URI in the Short's video details. I've defaulted those to None as it's not critical information and vid_info `@property`...

I'm amazed to see a PR here with actual typo fixes that are merge-worthy.