Eoin Gunnery
Eoin Gunnery
Has anyone gotten limited login to work with non tester accounts? Works fine for our test accounts but when trying to use it with public accounts, the new loginManager.logIn(configuration: configuration)...
@mvpscottjon have you tried your .limited config with public accounts or just test accounts?
Has anyone gotten limited login to work with non tester accounts? Works fine for our test accounts but when trying to use it with public accounts, the new loginManager.logIn(configuration: configuration)...
Just confirming that this is also the case on 17.0.1
We had a call with Facebook last Thursday to discuss this and I've sent them the logs I collected for success vs failure for test and public accounts. They had...
Hi all. We received an email from Facebook a few minutes ago saying that this issue has been fixed. Without any changes on our end, it seems that we can...