> the same problem until I found a solution Same here. So what was the solution?
I had an issue installing the 3.1.0 JAR. Got the following error ` Error starting bundle 237: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.rflink [237] Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.openhab.core.io.transport.serial ` Resolution: `feature:install...
This is just to confirm that version 3.1.0 binding is working stable with RTS blinds. Big thanks for the OH3 porting!
Further results: Recording on IOS in Safari and Chrome are all right, playing fine on all tested platforms. Only MacOS/Safari recording seem to be affected by this bug.
MacOS Monterey Version 12.6 (21G115) Safari version 16.0 (17614., 17614)
Here is my grid with the incorrect recording on "Sing" [Mese választó.grd.zip](https://github.com/asterics/AsTeRICS-Grid/files/10294702/Mese.valaszto.grd.zip)
It does not log much on recording. > log.setLevel(log.levels.DEBUG) < undefined [Log] data: (asterics-grid.bundle.js, line 22, x2) But the error is happening when playing back the recording that happened on...
> btw: with the new release I've also added the Hungarian translation. This was really quick, thanks for your work! 👍 Translation looking very good in the app, will do...