Maxim Mozgovoy
Maxim Mozgovoy
I apologize for such a vague title. There are several very annoying UI decisions in an otherwise an excellent system, so I wanted to ask whether this behavior is intended...
When we upload photos to Google Photos using browser, image captions (from IPTC metadata) is used to create captions in web albums. However, gpup-uploaded photos show file paths instead.
I would truly appreciate a good advice in my problem. I want to handle events of the datepicker, but events aren't covered in the documentation. I only need a simple...
I have problems with Fuse on Android. The emulator starts perfectly, and game menu/music/animation run without problems. However, no controls work: I tried both bluetooth gamepad and keyboard overlay.
Operations like move and delete.
custom tags; filtering according to a tag
Find the best current file after file move/delete/filter/add
I installed the Linux Docker image of SIST2, made it running (shows v3.4.2-SQLite). Tried to index a couple of small collections in SQLite mode, works fine. Next, indexed a larger...