Rafal Foltynski

Results 58 comments of Rafal Foltynski

Option to remove `_type` will be added in 1.6.0. As it may require comprehensive changes, it will most likely NOT be back-ported to 1.5.

Thank you for the good word. I'm glad that you found it useful. I have the code working. Just wrapping up testing. I can actually push it today.

I'll try to release it later this month

Released in 1.6.0. OpenSearch 2.0 support is limited to legacy Index Template API (no composable templates). ISM is out-of-scope of this project - it will be a part of `log4j2-opensearch`...

@turesheim Great news! :+1: I'm glad you got it working. I tested it only against 2.0 tbh. I had trouble with the API - I don't remember why anymore. I...

Looks like it didn't start properly. Let's find out why. I've noticed that you've changed ```xml ``` to ```xml ``` You may find some useful logs there. If that doesn't...

``` 2020-05-21 10:35:49,154 main ERROR Error processing element Elasticsearch ([Appenders: null]): CLASS_NOT_FOUND ``` actually means "I couldn't find the Elasticsearch plugin after collecting all META-INF/org/apache/logging/log4j/core/config/plugins/Log4j2Plugins.dat files". Since you're shading, exploded...

Output looks good (apart from the ChronicleMap error at the end.. should be fixed soon). However, it should also include a line communicating the allocation of response buffer ``` INFO...

@marcusbb Did you manage to identify the issue?

@marcusbb Are still having this issue? Is there anything I can help you with?