Radek Felcman

Results 18 comments of Radek Felcman

There are some additional test failures at: https://ci.eclipse.org/eclipselink/job/eclipselink-pull-request-verifier/job/PR-1546/5/#showFailuresLink details https://ci.eclipse.org/eclipselink/job/eclipselink-pull-request-verifier/job/PR-1546/5/testReport/junit/org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.wdf.jpa1.entitymanager/TestUpdateBatching(test-jpa-wdf)/testPossiblyBatchedUpdate/ https://ci.eclipse.org/eclipselink/job/eclipselink-pull-request-verifier/job/PR-1546/5/testReport/junit/org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.wdf.jpa1.entitymanager/TestUpdateBatching(test-jpa-wdf)/testUnbacthedUpdate/

Hello, I tried to simulate this issue but without success now (no crash). I have some additional questions (see `TODO question` sequences in the attached test case - Maven project):...

Attached test still doesn't work. To test it directly from IDE you can pass to java properties like this `-Ddb.user=scott -Ddb.pwd=tiger -Ddb.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL` another hint is temporary add to `org.eclipse.persistence.dbws.builder.oracle.test` POM...

Sorry, but there are test failures see continuous-integration/jenkins/pr-merge . This is major blocker for PR approval.

Sorry, but there are some JPA Test issues. See attached output from failsafe-reports. [failsafe-reports.tar.gz](https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/eclipselink/files/6569021/failsafe-reports.tar.gz)

Hello, in the attached test case is possible solution/workaround for this issue. There is used following declaration ``` ... @XmlRootElement(name = "Customer") @XmlType(name = "Customer", propOrder = {"name", "age", "userExtensions"})...

Hello, I see two issues in Your input XML and application design. - map any XML content from e.g. ``` bye ``` to `private Map others;` it looks problematic to...

It looks like, that is related with cyclic relation between entities, but could You please provide there all/booth entities which participates in object graph. Another thing is, when it's happen?...

I created test application to simulate this issue but without success. See attached archive. [jpa-bug-993-StackOverflowErrorInObjectReferenceMapping.tar.gz](https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/eclipselink/files/5770309/jpa-bug-993-StackOverflowErrorInObjectReferenceMapping.tar.gz) There are two test entities `com.oracle.jpa.bugtest.domain.TestEntityMaster` and `com.oracle.jpa.bugtest.domain.TestEntityDetail` and master has following field ``` @OneToMany(mappedBy...

Hello, I created test case to simulate this issue, but I have following additional questions: Is it entity really weaved? From the provided pictures it looks, that no. In case...