Bobby Reynolds

Results 21 comments of Bobby Reynolds

@AGausmann for structs with multiple fields, I think it would make sense for each field to "opt in" to the `AsRef` derivation via an attribute. Something like this: ```rust #[derive(AsRef)]...

Agreed! If reducing the stream resolution causes the stuttering to go away, that's probably a good indication that some part of the system isn't keeping up. Stream resolution is currently...

In this case we probably want the ffmpeg output, which is currently piped to /dev/null because it's ridiculously verbose. Quickest way to get those logs would be to comment out...

Also of interest would be the contents of /dev/shm/lunacam/hls. This directory contains the actual video buffer, stored as a sequence of video snippets and a "manifest" file (stream.m3u8). These files...

Work is in progress. The `config` module provides a read/write configuration store suitable for use by multiple components. Still a few open issues: * Easy to abuse `config` by opening...

Consider using [ctrlc](

Task Scheduler appears to simply terminate tasks. This method does not allow for cleanup code to be run. Workaround would be to implement a Windows service and properly handle events.

Hello! I have been working on [a UEFI abstraction crate]( for Rust. It follows the UEFI spec closely and could be used to implement any of the three options listed....

I think I have a working implementation [here](, but there is some bad news. Evidently, VGA is not supported when booting under UEFI. [This thread]( has some further context. In...

UEFI does support console I/O while "boot services" are active. The catch is that the bootloader/OS must disable those boot services (by calling `ExitBootServices`) before it is allowed to take...