
Results 7 comments of ReynaldLiu

addrs的定义文件在nginx/src/core/ngx_resolver.h nginx_tcp_proxy_module的头文件在ngx_tcp_upstream.h的结构体ngx_tcp_upstream_resolved_s中 这是因为在1.9版本起addrs的结构体由ngx_addr_t 改为ngx_resolver_addr_t,如果只是为了安装1.8上,只要直接将ngx_resolver_addr_t改为ngx_addr_t 即可,如果要兼容所有版本,改为下面的代码 #if (nginx_version) >= 1005008 #if (nginx_version) >= 1009001 ngx_resolver_addr_t *addrs; #else ngx_addr_t *addrs; #endif #else in_addr_t *addrs; #endif

I also encountered this problem. When installing, the fan suddenly speeded up and then it crashed. I did this 1. Install the system on other computers first 2. Then use...

i am same HDMI external monitor `command +p` and push `enter ` Then unplug it, you can restore the display Or sometimes long press the Power button to turn on...

> Just to wrap this up, I've tried every combination of firmware/rambase address I can come up with but I don't think wifi is going to work for the time...

感觉我的需求和题主是一样的。 可以像xhprof一样,提供个开关功能和返回值吗 像这样。 molten_enable(); $molten_span_data=molten_disable(); molten.sink_type=7// 函数返回 通过代码自身来获取分析结果数据。相比stdout直接输出,可以在代码里更好格式化或追加其他字段。

有能力改可以从tideways的扩展里搬过来。tideway里有。 cb = tw_trace_callback_soap_client_dorequest; register_trace_callback("SoapClient::__doRequest", cb); long tw_trace_callback_soap_client_dorequest(char *symbol, zend_execute_data *data TSRMLS_DC) { if (ZEND_CALL_NUM_ARGS(data) < 2) { return -1; } char *summary; zval *argument = ZEND_CALL_ARG(data, 2); long idx...