rex posadas
rex posadas
Is this low-impact enough and easy enough for someone new to the codebase to work on? I'm looking for a way to contribute to the project. As a side note,...
I know it's an old thread, but I'm hoping to help someone new to this: I deploy the admin in kubernetes and got the same error. I resolved it by...
Any resolution on this? I get the same error right after cloning the repo. I have the content directory so that can't be it.
In the README, we can simply make a distinction on what installation command to use depending on the go version.
@mickelsonm Thanks for the response. It looks like this project is no longer maintained. I've since moved to a different framework. Thanks anyways.
@mickelsonm The team decided on Django - I was pushing for a Go framework since that's my main language.
I see. No problem. > we can add the single-line error checking in tests to the library Which library are you referring to? Would it be this one?
@sashabaranov But, to keep the code consistent would mean making other functions such as: checkHasError (..), checkErrorIs(..) You're OK with that?
Great. I'll work on the PR.
PR for this has been merged.