Jonathan Revusky
Jonathan Revusky
> > What is also particularly useful is that you can inject code into Node classes. > > So you would prefer all custom code to be in the grammar?...
> Here `BNFProduction` extends `BaseNode` but it could also extend a specific definition like `BlockStatement` or am I confusing things? Sure, it could extend some other Node subclass that, in...
> I don't believe we need to use a visitor which makes having the code generated redundant, I might be wrong. There shouldn't be any need to generate any base...
Nick, it's really pretty safe to say that none of these things will ever be "fixed upstream". Well, not unless you finally pick up the ball and move over to...
> I found a fix for this problem. If consists of commenting out two lines in the AbstractCharStream class. See [my comments on the ParserGeneratorCC site]( about this. You know,...
> If this was working with the previous release then it may have been patched by beanshell, or it may be a new bug introduced by ParserGeneratorCC. Then so much...
You know, you guys would really be doing yourselves a huge favour if you just made a big push to get the CongoCC based grammar integrated. It's just been sitting...
Well, to be clear, it's unlikely that I'm going to do much work on the semantics of things or how your runtime works. My goal right now is just to...
Okay, here is what I would like you guys to do now. There is a file []( that I updated just a few minutes ago. (I also updated the congocc-full.jar...
> Okay, did you try it on other files? (It would be hard to imagine that you didn't. Curiosity killed the cat and all....) You surely understand what the TestHarness...