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Google Analytics tracking for your AngularJS apps

Results 35 angular-google-analytics issues
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I have an Angular site which uses google analytics (universal analytics) to track page views, etc. The way we add the tracker is by setting the account, e.g. `AnalyticsProvider.setAccount({'tracker': 'UA-12345-1'})`...

Added support to ui-router in order to read the $state.current.doNotTrack and decide whether send or not the pageView. This control is also done in the first page loading.


Hi, for the sake of avoiding an `if` around every `Analytics.trackEvent` line we have in our code, I'd like to have a way to disable this module when a UA...


I can not to set the user id tracking. I tried two ways: 1- as the readme says, I tried ``` javascript Analytics.set('&uid', 1234); ``` 2- as the analytics doc...

Hi This is not an issue.. need some info. I was going through the all the configurations and found useDisplayFeature. It was set to true in the readme file but...


Hi, There's a common issue while optimizing Google PageSpeed insights score. The thing is that is delivered with cache-control:public, max-age=7200 header which is only 2 hours. Though, recommended value...


Using angular-google-analytics, in Google Analytics Behavior > Site Speed, all the data relative to response time, like avgDomInteractiveTime, is set to 0 : ![image]( Does anyone know how can I...


How to add version number to all events ? I'm using angular.js with nw.js desktop app. When I was using universal-analytics there was screenview-tracking where I could specify a version.


what now!? [](url)

Hi, I dont see any page views in google analytics. I test it with inoic serve in chrome and with a android tablet (android version 5.1.1. tablet, and android samsung...
