
Results 8 comments of 云斌

@TKkk-iOSer 如果这个插件没用到10.12的系统功能的话,可否尝试支持?确实系统有点久远 我不太确定是否改下目标重新编译就可以,如果可以还望帮忙,前一版我记得可以支持10.10.5 多谢多谢

@TKkk-iOSer 经测试最新版可以编译到10.10.5并正常运行,后续release的版本能否直接支持10.10.5?

@qwwdfsad thanks for the reply JVMTI can monitor SIGQUIT(instead of SIGTRAP used by javaagent), thus a coroutine dump can be automatically produced when a thread dump is requested, lessen users'...

@dinomite Hi, I don't think adding a new extension method is the right approach, we should make the existing extension method work 1) the old code using the new jackson...

sorry for the late reply. as I discovered lately, it's more complicated than just add a `as T` cast 1) the exception message would not be user-friendly 2) can't cover...

Hi, thx for the timely reply, I'll put the P.S. part first as it's more relevant: 1) the "I do not want to ditch the project" is all I, as...


when would we published to the Gradle Plugin Portal? I'd really like the simplified `plugin` grammar