Results 14 comments of Soumyani1

Thanks! You can fork my project and make those changes accordingly and then perform a PR of my project. I assigned it to you!

Anhh... actually Yes, u r correct... Thanks for pointing it out, as I haven't mentioned that in the `To-Do list` section of the file. I haven't worked with SELinux...

> Of course, it goes without saying - if 1 or more 'todos' is already done, please point them out so I don't reinvent the wheel. > > Thank you....

Thanks a lot for the appreciation! 💯 Thanks again to you for showing interest in contributing to my project 😃 ### Overview: - system() like function (but in kernel) just...

> > No TODO list is actually done till now :) > > edit: I will begin with the easiest one, the system() like function(but in kernel); > > Thank...

Btw, do u know how to make custom logger ?? Like when we inject it creates some logs right? So I wanted to create a custom logger which can log...

> I think I do understand the - logging the output to another tty - so you have to do the `ctrl+shift+fX` key (where `X` is 5,4,...,2,1.) to see the...

1. You want to make a "logger" of some sort, (that, logs everything from what the operator does with the rootkit, what the rootkits output is, and so on) right?...

> Goodmorning! > > Yes, thank you @reveng007 Ill check that link, I'm on train now so it will take awhile but; thanks for being patient and so (very) quick...

Yes, Safe coding is required but I guess before that we need our concepts to work. After that we should stabilize our code based on that. ### Persistence This can...