Looking at the log it looks like I may have done a manual poke just before the problem occurred, hence it's not actually set for 15 minutes later - I...
Another failure last night - same symptoms, except this time an upload to Adafruit had also failed so the red flashing LED stayed on until I noticed this morning as...
Just had the same issue again; LED lit permanently, no waking up - not bothering posting logs as no real info and the same as before. I've just switched batteries...
I suspect it’s the same issue - I’m only guessing that the board isn’t shutting down correctly and that’s what’s causing it not to wake based on the LED staying...
I've had a look at the 0.0.8 and compared it to the earlier version that didn't seem to have this issue. The code is quite a bit different but...
Additional data point - I was concerned that it might be a battery issue, but I had the same symptoms overnight with a set of three fresh batteries. Last upload...
Clicked the wrong button. 🙄
@lowfatcode Eventually, but I had to go into the code and make some fairly substantial changes to have individual scaling settings for each pot - I tried to find a...
> I've extending the min/max range which hopefully means it will now return values for all three of your pots. Tried 0.0.8 and it was pegged at 100 on all...