
Results 10 comments of reterraform

@balhar-jakub, Yes, any assistance with this would very much appreciated! I feel that, if implemented, it's a feature that will add a lot of value to WebWorldWind. CHEERS ...or even...

hello, just checking back to see if there's still any interest in implementing the KmlBalloonStyle functionality; if not, no worries at all, & thanks in any case!

that definitely sounds like it would indeed do the job; greatly appreciate your kind time & effort on this matter! CHEERS

Hello again, can you direct me to where in the code that kmltree control can be modified? if so, I thought I'd try modifying my copy & see If I...

Thanks for that helpful info Trevor! I'll give those ideas a look & see if I can get some traction. Meanwhile, really appreciate & look forward to that potential feature...

Know you folks are busy with plenty of tasks, but just checking in on status of this issue. All your good works much appreciated, in any case! :)

OK, will do. I'll update if/when I have any luck with it. Thanks for the quick response in any case!