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Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.

Results 96 resque issues
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Corrects the ordering of Namespace and config blocks, otherwise the namespace setting is lost if you pass redis string.

Due to a bug in [Line 89]( the resque-web binary will not start when passing in -N. This can easily be corrected by adjusting to line so it doesn't reference...

I've used a version of this since ~ten years ago and I just pushed it to github so I can replace our monkeypatch with a fork. And I've had the...

Greetings, The redis gem is now deprecating the usage of redis.pipelined w/o a block being passed to it Here is the warning: from this line of code: ``` Pipelining...

More than once I was required to either remove one pending job from Resque, or all jobs of a given class. For both cases I had to access the production...

My site is still using resque 1.26.0 on my production machine. I have updated the ruby and rails version in development. Now the development is using version 2.2.x The background...

Hi, I have taken over an old PHP project that uses php-resque. That does not come with its own web server, as the data structure in Redis is supposed to... fixed a single instance of this, but there are [many other situations]([repo][0]=resque/resque) where we split without a limit. We should add a helper method for `id.to_s.split(':', 3)` and use...

help wanted

After update `resque` gem from `2.2.0` to `2.2.1`, when I run the command `bundle exec resque-web`, I get the error `bundler: failed to load command: resque-web`. When I downgrade to...