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Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.

Results 96 resque issues
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Added note about dependency requirement of rack-session 2.0.0 using Rack 3, which sinatra does not support. Suggesting to user that they downgrade to rack-session 1.0.2

b45a6852fe7139286fc8f2733c6b4753e5a7e463 had introduced a `enqueue_front` option which enabled LIFO job execution instead of FIFO. But a refactoring in 4bb44413a045fca78d25e22ad535b3f5ea97fab8 ignored that change. This is a proposal to remove this unused...

Makes heartbeat more tolerant to failures. Closes #1883 Unsure if I should also be cleaning up `@@all_heartbeat_threads` if we detect a dead heartbeat.

We are the running the resque-pool process once the termination of the pod we are using the signal usr2 and worker processing jobs is in the processing state but when...

I may be missing something, so please consider this patch a conversation starter :). When `Rails.application.config.eager_load` is true, Rails already executes ```ruby ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks(:before_eager_load, Rails.application) Rails.application.config.eager_load_namespaces.each(&:eager_load!) ``` among other things. You...

Hi 👋, this pr aims to resolve ![Kapture 2023-03-11 at 20 08 17]( Let me know your thoughts 😀.

Updates the requirements on [rubocop]( to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from rubocop's releases. RuboCop 1.48 New features #11628: Add new Style/DirEmpty cop. (@​ydah) #11629: Add new Style/FileEmpty...


I'd like to filter some displayed sensitive args. my idea is as follows, what do you think? You can configure which keys you filter. ```yaml # config/resque.yaml ... filter_args_keys: -...

Hi, Since a long time we have seldomly a deadlock during the deallocation of threads and fork after perfoming a job. But it seems that since we add more threads...

Hello, I'm working on heroku with multi worker and I have a problem with resque V2.4 I often have `SSL_read: sslv3 alert bad record mac` error It has been fixed...