Julian Reschke

Results 41 issues of Julian Reschke

Example: Seems redbot is taking the 103 as final responses and waits the socket to be closed as there is no Content-Length information.


For this input: ~~~ one = "one" two = "two" ~~~ the following error is reported: ~~~ 2:5: Syntax error: expected production rule separator ~~~


This is because `updateFile` exits early when fetching the cache yields a 304 (not modified), or if the hash of the cache did not change. This is problematic for at...

RFC 8416 requires any dviation from the format to be treated as error (see ). However, various deviations, such as - extra JSON members - missing slumVersion - slurmVersion not...

This is a minor issue, but still... When processing a ROAs JSON, trailing garbage in the json file (like "\nHello World!") is ignored. Instead, a JSON parse failure should be...

- updates refs into HTTP specs - updates refs into 6962bis (as per https://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url1=draft-ietf-trans-rfc6962-bis-42.txt&url2=draft-ietf-trans-rfc6962-bis-30.txt) - this needs review


It would be good to have examples that use a well-defined query language incl media type, and a well-defined response media type.


David Slik (https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/ietf-http-wg/2022JanMar/0081.html): > Moving query parameters from the request URI to the request body improves overall security, given that the request URI is often cached, stored, logged and otherwise...


- serve with Last-Modified header field - evaluate If-Modified-Since (note: includes change for #82 as well)