Hi, I get a segmentation fault whenever I try to use CELT, is there any way I can fix it? Joining a server that supports Opus works fine, it's just...
My celt version is 0.11.3-2, the latest on Arch Linux, as you can see here Also, I don't know what you mean by enabling decoding with celt-ruby, how can...
Thanks! It works completely fine on my end now.
Yeah, I tried to minimize the SDL tag and I got it to 444 KB, and the lag was somewhat gone, it was 50% better, but the lag is still...
Yeah, so I can load big tag files that are past 1MB easily, but the highlighting causes my vim to lag. I have "let g:easytags_auto_highlight = 0" set temporarily until...
What's syntax based folding? I don't think I am, all I really have is molokai as my theme, installed some syntax files for C/C++, YouCompleteMe, and vim-easytags. That sucks though,...