Janne Käki
Janne Käki
Over the past days I've seen a few crashes like this for my app in Crashlytics. Any ideas what might be going wrong? Using MQTTClient 0.9.2. ``` Crashed: com.apple.main-thread 0...
I need to localize the texts into other languages too (and furthermore I prefer to rename "Constrain" to "Aspect ratio") which I've currently only managed to do by directly modifying...
I'm running into build errors about `PINAnimatedImageView` when trying to integrate this to my project with Swift Package Manager:
I updated to the newest SDKs (4.7) via CocoaPods and now the app crashes on launch with this error (Xcode 9.4.1): ``` dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/FFmpeg.framework/FFmpeg Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/D650DC16-B7C8-440B-9011-029B7E421C71/SharperShape.app/Frameworks/DJIUXSDK.framework/DJIUXSDK...