You have a problem with your .repo-metadata.json file: Result of scan 📈: * must have required property 'library_type' in .repo-metadata.json * must have required property 'release_level' in .repo-metadata.json * must...
You have a problem with your .repo-metadata.json files: Result of scan 📈: * client_documentation must match pattern "^https://.*" in AccessApproval/.repo-metadata.json * release_level must be equal to one of the allowed...
You have a problem with your .repo-metadata.json file: Result of scan 📈: * api_shortname 'trace' invalid in .repo-metadata.json ☝️ Once you address these problems, you can close this issue. ###...
You have a problem with your .repo-metadata.json file: Result of scan 📈: * must have required property 'library_type' in .repo-metadata.json * must have required property 'release_level' in .repo-metadata.json ☝️ Once...
You have a problem with your .repo-metadata.json files: Result of scan 📈: * release_level must be equal to one of the allowed values in packages/gapic-node-templating/templates/bootstrap-templates/.repo-metadata.json * api_shortname field missing from...
You have a problem with your .repo-metadata.json files: Result of scan 📈: * api_shortname 'apigee-registry' invalid in java-apigee-registry/.repo-metadata.json * api_shortname 'beyondcorp-appconnections' invalid in java-beyondcorp-appconnections/.repo-metadata.json * api_shortname 'beyondcorp-appconnectors' invalid in java-beyondcorp-appconnectors/.repo-metadata.json...
You have a problem with your .repo-metadata.json file: Result of scan 📈: * api_shortname 'gaxios' invalid in .repo-metadata.json ☝️ Once you address these problems, you can close this issue. ###...
You have a problem with your .repo-metadata.json files: Result of scan 📈: * api_shortname 'maps-mapsplatformdatasets' invalid in .github/release-note-generation/testdata/java-maps-mapsplatformdatasets/.repo-metadata.json * api_shortname 'vertexai' invalid in .github/release-note-generation/testdata/java-vertexai/.repo-metadata.json * api_shortname 'apigee-registry' invalid in java-apigee-registry/.repo-metadata.json...
You have a problem with your .repo-metadata.json files: Result of scan 📈: * must have required property 'library_type' in packages/google-cloud-apigeeregistry/.repo-metadata.json * release_level must be equal to one of the allowed...
You have a problem with your .repo-metadata.json file: Result of scan 📈: * api_shortname field missing from .repo-metadata-full.json ☝️ Once you address these problems, you can close this issue. ###...