ERROR: GroundingDINO is not a valid editable requirement. It should either be a path to a local project or a VCS URL (beginning with bzr+http, bzr+https, bzr+ssh, bzr+sftp, bzr+ftp, bzr+lp,...
--template HRAN --model HRAN --scale 2 --patch_size 96 --save HRAN_x2 --ext sep_reset train result is : Making model... Preparing loss function: 1.000 * L1 [Epoch 1] Learning rate: 1.00e-4 D:\ProgramFiles\Anaconda3\envs\torch3.8\lib\site-packages\torch\optim\
SSFTTnet.py下SSFTTnet类下的forward: “wa = rearrange(self.token_wA, 'b h w -> b w h') # Transpose A = torch.einsum('bij,bjk->bik', x, wa)” wa是torch.Size([1, 64, 4]) x是torch.Size([64, 81, 64]) 这块bij bjk里面的b不一样