Kun Ren
Kun Ren
Thanks, I'm trying to work out something like this. It looks best to use Rcpp to handle this.
See https://github.com/jeroenooms/curl
Thanks for the resources :). In fact, XML-related function is added in very early versions but removed later because it seemed not to function well. I'm considering to refine it...
Consider importing functions from [xml2](https://github.com/hadley/xml2) in future.
My environment is Win8.1 64-bit, ST3, eval usually does not work.
Did you enable `r.plot.useHttpgd` in your vscode settings? If enabled, the httpgd plot viewer should automatically pop out as a new tab.
@shrektan points out what I want exactly. Here's an example taking @jjallaire's suggestion. ``` r library(dygraphs) library(data.table) z
I've got nearly 50 time series plot in one chart. The legend almost covers the right half and I can hardly see what each line represents.
@timelyportfolio, thanks! I'll have a try on it. By the way, I use [https://github.com/getlantern/lantern] so that most websites are accessible :p
Thanks, @janschulz! I notice this too using formattable in the notebook and tries ggvis and it opens a new webpage to show the interactive plot.