Ah - so (!) maybe this is possible out of the box and it's my limited understanding of the watch and software that creates the confusion. For clarity. I am...
I don't know what Tasker is....? But probably.....
Yep your suggestion would work. Another alternative is, I use 'diabox' app to grab the blood glucose data - this is then sent to NightScout and read by AndroidAPS. Diabox...
I downloaded it from : -- you can see some details here!
INteretsingly - you cannot add issues to that repo!
I have hit this and believe I get the same outcome, @Plasmarobo any work around?
Just got stuck with this for about 6 hours this evening. Really can this be merged into master as a priority please?
hahah 👍 Okay, if I somehow find time i'll look into extending it!
Actually, it's not quite just access the element, some elements have annotations or documentation, I would like to have these in the response object. I have taken a quick look,...
I seem to have fixed this by changing the line of create_admin_service `user.confirm!` to `user.confirm` - as `user.confirm!` doesn't exist in confirmable.rb of devise.