
Results 37 issues of Rendom

I think your documentations is not good for beginners with mapbox. Can you provide example for this simple case. I have several array of different markers which I get from...

help wanted
good first issue

**Type:** - [x] bug - [ ] feature - [ ] enhancement - [ ] question **Environment:** - OS: Windows 10 - Browser: Chrome - Library Version: 1.1.4 **I'm going...

I need to load some array of items to react-native-sortable-list. Reorder it and then get the reordered result back as array. Can I do it?

``` mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ show: true, frame: false, titleBarStyle: 'hidden', transparent: true, backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', webPreferences: { enableRemoteModule: true, nodeIntegration: true, webSecurity: true, }, }); setVibrancy(mainWindow, { theme: '#22222288',


Right now there is 0 animal icons available in lucide-icons ## Icon Request * Icon name: Cat/Dog/Animal * Use case: Animal shelters, pet food, lots and lots of use cases...

🙌 icon request

I'm testing react-beautiful-dnd in my electron app. You can see draggable item is moved to the right for approx 50px. And when it is dropped it is also teleported 50px...


Is it possible to have fixed cropping area like 300x200px. so it basically this Feature request plus resize output image to specific size. like react-native-image-crop-picker ![image](

feature request

Cant install vibrancy on electron-react-boilerplate. **yarn add electron-vibrancy** OS: MacOs BigSur ``` error /****/node_modules/electron-vibrancy: Command failed. Exit code: 1 Command: npm run rebuild Arguments: Directory: /****/node_modules/electron-vibrancy Output: npm WARN lifecycle...

### Environment node: v14.18.1 ### Reproduction // REPRODUCTION REPO just change the project-id "project-name" in firebase.json and .firebase.rc I'm following this QUICK-START guides. nuxt-3 Firebase ``` npx...

I have added MobX to my electron app using electron-devtools-installer ` installExtension(MOBX_DEVTOOLS) .then((name) => { console.log(`Added Extension: ${name}`); }) .catch((err) => console.log('An error occurred: ', err)); ` Console log says:...