Can we have something similar to {merge: true} in firebase. Right now when we try to update none existent doc there will be error. In firebase we can do `localdb.collection(collection).doc(id).set(data,...
For some reason when I call `db.collection('collectionName')` the first time it gives wrong data (not a list of keys but some other unrelated object) it only happens on the first...
-matches displays some match info but no share code.
After switching to connected-react-router I'm having this issue. Navigation stops working and this error appears. `Warning: You cannot change `
Usually getNumber() will format number only when full number is provided. But for Germany it will format even incomplete number but "ayt" will not work at all.
``` const pn = parsePhoneNumber( '0707123456', 'SE' ); pn.getNumber( 'international' ); // -> '+46 70 712 34 56' ``` How to get `70 712 34 56` without "+46 "
### I'm submitting a ... - [ ] bug report - [ x ] feature request - [ ] support request or question => Please do not submit support request...
Is there option for virtualization? Or maybe how can we use other components togetheer with vue-slicksort for virtualization?
How can I animate dynamic list items. with enter and leave animations. this method is not working. ```
For example I have this simple field. How can I reset only this field by clicking the button? ``` {props => ( { // Reset function }> )} ``` Already...