Remus Mihail Prunescu

Results 7 comments of Remus Mihail Prunescu

Thanks for the contributions! Much appreciated! One more thing needs to be done, i.e. update the .config file with the right settings. One cannot use a .config file from an...

First step to test is to check `uname -a`. It needs to say `PREEMPT RT` and not only `PREEMPT`.

I have made some additional changes to make the build reproducible: - the checkedout linux kernel repository is now a stable branch released at a fixed date - the RT...

Should be fixed now in the latest commit. Let me know if you see more issues with it.

Unfortunately I don't have a pi3 right now to debug the issue. I'll ask some former colleagues and try to get one somewhere mid June. Hopefully they still have some...

One first issue I noticed is that we need to use bcm2709 for pi3b+: `make bcm2709_defconfig` ![image]( There might be other issues. You may try the above if you can...

I have made some changes and it should build properly now for all platforms. Try `make Pi3` and let me know if you still encounter issues. I'll try to get...