R Sánchez
R Sánchez
## Describe what's missing The extension can't be found in Open VSX Registry ## How would it work The extension would be available in Open VSX Registry (same as the...
## Describe what's missing The extension can't be found in Open VSX Registry (but an older deprecated version can).
The extension doesn't detect Playwright and tests if dependencies aren't installed in the root folder. For a bit of background, I'm using Elixir/Phoenix in a project and node dependencies typically...
The extension can't be found in [Open VSX Registry](https://open-vsx.org/). Editors derived from VS Code such as Gitpod and VS Codium cannot access Microsoft's marketplace by policy, so Open VSX is...
The extension can't be found in [Open VSX Registry](https://open-vsx.org/). Editors derived from VS Code such as Gitpod and VS Codium cannot access Microsoft's marketplace by policy, so Open VSX is...
The extension can't be found in [Open VSX Registry](https://open-vsx.org/). Editors derived from VS Code such as Gitpod and VS Codium cannot access Microsoft's marketplace by policy, so Open VSX is...
Similar to Postman, Insomnia, & Firefox/Chrome dev tools allow right-clicking to copy in a variety of formats.
The extension can't be found in [Open VSX Registry](https://open-vsx.org/).