Rémi Thériault

Results 99 comments of Rémi Thériault

Here is an actual reprex for posteriority: ``` r library(extrafont) #> Registering fonts with R grep("Awesome", fonts(), value = TRUE) #> [1] "Font Awesome 5 Brands Regular" "Font Awesome 5...

The following seems to be working: ``` r library(ggplot2) library(emojifont) library(ggwaffle) waffle_data

Thanks, I was looking for a solution to this

Duplicate of #67, probably. Here is an actual reprex for posteriority, including the suggested `family = "Font Awesome 5 Free Solid"` inside `geom_pictogram()` solution: ``` r library(extrafont) #> Registering fonts...

duplicate of #78. Please see #78 for the workaround as well.

Ok. (When you have time) would it be possible to give me an example of what you mean by "htest data.name patterns"? Do you mean like to support the different...

- [x] chisq.test (no data argument so formula interface not possible) - [x] fisher.test (no data argument so formula interface not possible) - [x] mcnemar.test (no data argument so formula...

``` r devtools::load_all("D:/github/forks/effectsize") #> ℹ Loading effectsize # t.test x Warning: Unable to retrieve data from htest object. Returning an approximate #> effect size using t_to_d(). #> d | 95%...

Thanks, that's very useful and specific! I'll look into implementing these suggestions :)

- [x] unit tests - [x] internal functions to avoid repeating code - [x] informative messages Doesn’t work well with advanced formula interfaces for now but I return `NULL` for...