Rémi Thériault

Results 99 comments of Rémi Thériault

I'm afraid I might haven spoken too fast. In R 4.2.0, the following indeed does work: ```r usethis::create_package("D:/é/mypkg") usethis::use_package_doc() devtools::document(roclets = c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace')) ``` But not `devtools::check()`: ```r getwd()...

Ok, so I was going to say that for some magical reason, I just tried this again, and it worked. But I set the working directory from a different project...

For reference, I have created an RStudio community issue here and it was replicated by at least one person: https://community.rstudio.com/t/r-4-2-0-rstudio-specific-error-with-devtools-check-in-accented-path-directory/138119/2

Probably unpopular opinion, but I think the vertical lines (in our printing method) are ugly. I'm fully aware that this is a strong bias because I've fully introjected APA style...

> We should prioritize making tables that become formatted properly when compiled to html, word, or pdf Good point. But where or for whom should we prioritize such tables? For...

I would really like to see this feature implemented. I develop my analysis scripts as rmarkdown reports that also include the raw code. That is much easier to work with...

Thanks. There is no blue screen of death, only a complete and immediate shutdown. Laptop is plugged into wall power and fully charged. This is the only scenario in which...

Same here, I use `geom_waffle()` in my package [pubmedDashboard](https://rempsyc.github.io/pubmedDashboard/) but cannot probably submit to CRAN because of the following R CMD check warning: ```r ❯ checking dependencies in R code...

Great news, congratulations and thank you! :)

Duplicate of #67 and #71, probably. Here is an actual reprex for posteriority: ``` r library(extrafont) #> Registering fonts with R grep("Awesome", fonts(), value = TRUE) #> [1] "Font Awesome...