Hi Ner00 from Brazil! I have followed yours posts from libretro forums and I have the EXACTLY SAME PROBLEM...your workaround fix some problem to me....wait the definitive solution from developers! "EDIT: In case someone may have an issue, it may be due to having uhidd enabled (I had it enabled for a different project but overlooked it since I...
> @remosilva Does it make a difference though? I can't try this at the moment, but I would think not because of the initial statement: > > > Not even...
> > NO!! Doenst make a difference...only more information as I said... > > So what's the point of mentioning something unrelated? Also, why the all caps? I have quoted...
You said: Does it make a difference though? I said: NO!! Doenst make a difference...only more information... You said: So what's the point of mentioning something unrelated? Also, why the...
we're in the same boat, remember?