Results 7 issues of Rémi Dewitte

From [OAS 3.1 spec]( : > The path is appended (no relative URL resolution) to the expanded URL from the [Server Object](’s url field in order to construct the full...

Context : 1. We are using Ketting in a Next.js application. 2. We do some data fetching using in `getStaticProps`, where props needs to be serializable. HalState is not as...

It is very convenient to type relations when we follow links.

#### Checklist - [x] run `npm run test` and `npm run benchmark` - [x] tests and/or benchmarks are included - [ ] documentation is changed or added - [x] commit...

Happy to see Shinigami92 taking care of this tool ! Thanks. The PR is far for complete but it is a minimal working patch to use tsx instead of ts-node....

c: feature
needs rebase
p: 1-normal

When `resourceLike` is a `FollowPromiseOne` that throws because `rel` does not exists, `useReadResource` stays with loading = true and resource = null instead of being in error state.
